On 2011-09-19, at 5:32 PM, "Mateus Almeida" <supor...@avanutri.com.br> wrote:

> Hello, I'm newbie and I'm trying to install PHP with Apache, but it doesn't
> work. 
> Every time I try to run a test I receive the message "Not Found The
> requested URL /php/php-cgi.exe/test.php was not found on this server." OR
> (when I try to change some options) "Forbidden You don't have permission to
> access /php/php-cgi.exe/test.php on this server."
> I've tried to copy the recommended configurations from some sites, but it
> haven't worked. 
> The machine runs Windows XP, I'm using an administrator account, no firewall
> is blocking me, PHP and Apache are the most recent versions.
> Thanks in advance.

The files need to go into the htdocs folder of the apache installation. They do 
no go in the php folder at all. 

You can also set the root directory in the httpd.conf file, the apache config, 
to place the root of the webserver elsewhere in your filesystem

Bastien Koert
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