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On 9/22/11 13:38, "Eric" <eric_justin_al...@cfl.rr.com> wrote:

>So is $_POST["username"][0] appropriate or does that only work
>with normal variables?

As far as this sort of manipulation goes, $_POST is just like any other
variable. Referencing the 0th element of any string will give you the
first character, if there is one. (If there isn't one, you'll generate a
PHP warning or notice for trying to read out-of-bounds.)

>and would this be valid,
>$i = 0;
>while($_POST["username"][$i] != "\0")

It looks like you're trying to treat the string as a C-style string. That
won't work in PHP because PHP's strings are not null-terminated. Thus,
this will lead to an infinite loop with any strings that don't happen to
have the null character somewhere within (and most strings won't).

>    if($_POST["username"][$i] == "." ||  $_POST["username"][$i] == "..")

This line is not wrong per-se, but nor does it entirely make sense. When
you access a string as an array, each element contains one character.
Here, you're checking whether each character in turn is a period (fine) or
two periods (makes no sense, since one character cannot represent two
period characters). What you'd probably want to do is simply remove the
second condition, since a check for one period will work just as well if
the name contains two periods. That is:

   if($_POST["username"][$i] == ".")

Incidentally, another tip: when comparing against a constant, as you are
in both your while() and your if(), place the constant on the left side if
the expression rather than the right. That is, write the previous if()
like this:

   if ('.' == $_POST['username'])

It might look a little funny, but I assure you, someday, it'll save you a
bunch of frustrating debugging time. The reason is that if you mistype the
'==' as '=', you'll do an assignment, the value of which is then returned.
This has the net effect of 1) quietly changing your variable's value, and
2) making the overall expression always evaluate to true, sending you into
the the true part of the conditional branch, well, unconditionally.

Robert E. Williams, Jr.
Associate Vice President of Software Development
Newtek Businesss Services, Inc. -- The Small Business Authority

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