Hi gang:

I have a few questions -- this is my first one.

Please review this link:


This page simply reads the contents of a file of the user's choice and displays 
the file's data.

My first question is with regard to reading a file ( fread() ):

If the user picks the PDF file, the [1] First 20 bytes are: %PDF... 
If the user picks a JPG file, the [1] First 20 bytes are:  ...JFFIF... 
If the user picks a GIF file, the [1] First 20 bytes are:  GIF89a... 

Of course, the above is just reading/echoing the header for each of those files.

Likewise, if the user picks a TXT or CSS file, then [1] First 20 bytes echoed 
are the first 20 characters of the file.

However, if the user picks a HTML or PHP file, there are no [1] First 20 bytes 

BUT, the ord() and chr() of the bytes ARE indeed collected and can be echoed as 
shown in statements [2] and [3].

So, my question is specifically "Why is the data gathered in the variable 
$content not echoed for the HTML and PHP files, but is for all other files?" 

Please review the code shown.




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