At the moment I'm using an instance of apache to run PHP scripts, as and when 
required via AJAX. Having got some understanding of web sockets, I'm minded to 
look at having a small server to execute these functions as required. The 
scripts, some 50 or so, are only about 300kbytes of source code, which seems 
small enough that it could all be loaded with include, as in:

$fn = 'wiggy.php';
include $fn;

This appears to work although I couldn't see it documented.

I'd also like to be able to replace a module without restarting the server. I 
couldn't see a way to drop an included file, do I therefore take it that there 
is none? Failing that, is there a good way to dynamically replace parts of a 
PHP program, possibly using runkit?

Cheers  --  Tim

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