On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:14 AM, Christopher Lee wrote:

> Hello All,
> I have two forms (see attached) that I would like to recreate and enable the 
> user to complete the form online. The data would be collected in a MySQL DB.
> http://ucensys.com/activities.pdf
> http://ucensys.com/guidelines.pdf
> You will see that the forms are in a matrix format. I am having trouble 
> figuring out the best way to create the form and ensure the data is collected 
> properly in the DB. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Best,
> Christopher

I don't see a problem here.

1. Figure out how to create a HTML form (Investigate HTML tables).
2. Then write a PHP that will scrub the data and submit it to MySQL.

The length and layout of the forms are of no significance.

This is basic html/php -- try creating something and submit your work for our 
review. If you want us to write the code for you, please look elsewhere.




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