On Sun, 2012-01-01 at 11:49 -0500, Tedd Sperling wrote:

> On Jan 1, 2012, at 11:26 AM, muad shibani wrote:
> > I have a website that posts the most important news according to the number
> > of clicks to that news
> > the question is : what is the best  way to prevent multiple clicks from the
> > same visitor?
> Not a fool-proof method, but use Javascript on the client-side to stop users' 
> from continuous clicking.
> Then create a token and verify the click on the server-side before 
> considering the click as being acceptable.
> Cheers,
> tedd 
> _____________________
> t...@sperling.com
> http://sperling.com

There are still problems with this, GET data (which essentially only
what a clicked link would produce if you leave Javascript out the
equation - you can't rely on Javascript) shouldn't be used to trigger a
change on the server (in your case a counter increment)

I did something similar for a competition site a few years ago, and
stupidly didn't think about this at the time. Someone ended up gaming
the system by including an image with the clicked-through URL in the src
attribute, and put that on their MySpace profile page, which had more
than a few visitors. Each of those visitors browser attempted to grab
that "image" which registered a click, and because of the number of
unique visitors, the clicks were registered as genuine.

I'd recommend using POST data for this reason, as it's a lot more
difficult for people to game.

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