
Just to also add the discussion why mod_rewrite or PATH_INFO :)


2012/2/17 Simon Schick <simonsimc...@googlemail.com>

> Hi, All
> I do not remember where I found the list of variables that are provided if
> you load PHP using Apache, nginx, IIS ...
> Fact is that there's a list of variables in the CGI 1.1 definition that
> should be given to a cgi script:
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3875#section-4
> PATH_INFO is on the list and therewith should at least be given to every
> cgi-script.
> As not all web-server are fully compatible to the definition or do not
> support cgi 1.1 there are quite much posts where you find work-arounds for
> misconfiguration web-servers.
> I know about nginx that you have to add a special configuration to get the
> path_info - but the example provided at the developers-page sometimes
> returns a wrong value. See:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8265941/empty-value-to-path-info-in-nginx-returns-junk-value/
> Maybe there are also some other known issues around this PATH_INFO ...
> Here's a request for a portable way to receive the path-info even if it's
> not provided by the web-server:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1884041/portable-and-safe-way-to-get-path-info
> I've always tried to use something like mod_rewrite and manage all
> incoming requests in an own dispatcher. That helped me a lot getting around
> this problems.
> Hope that this gives you more detailed information in what you need.
> Bye
> Simon
> 2012/2/17 Donovan Brooke <li...@euca.us>
>> Elbert F wrote:
>>> SCRIPT_NAME is a server side path, try REQUEST_URI. This includes the
>>> query
>>> string but it's easy to remove.
>>> Elbert
>>> http://swiftlet.org
>> Hi, I thought I should say that server side SCRIPT_NAME seems to be fine
>> for me in this case. Thanks for the input.
>> Donovan
>> --
>> D Brooke
>> --
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