Donovan Brooke <> wrote:

>Thanks for all the input. Yes, there are a lot of ways and means and
>issues that can be considered (thanks Simon), but this project will use
>a simple captcha, mostly because it is familiar to users and "fits"
>the project. Yes, I've found some options via google, but was more
>inquiring to see if you all had success with certain open-source
>freeware scripts.
>I haven't used google's version, but the problem I have with using
>google API's is that there can be delay's in page loading (in my
>experience). I don't generally like linking to 3rd party API's when I
>can help it.
>Ashley, I've used some of your techniques before within projects where
>those types of things "fit". One I thought about recently is displaying
>an array of colors in random order and asking the submitter to choose
>their favorite color from the list. Perhaps not fool proof, but nice
>creative option.
>Anyway, for this project, I think I need a familiar captcha.
>Again, thanks!
>D Brooke
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Well, if the answer doesn't matter, another could just pick anything and run 
with it couldn't they?


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