On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 9:29 PM, Stuart Dallas <stu...@3ft9.com> wrote:

> On 16 Mar 2012, at 18:57, rene7705 wrote:
> > Hi Folks..
> >
> > I could waste a lot of text on what I've accomplished during the last
> > months, but the easiest thing is if you have a (another) look at (the
> > source of) http://mediabeez.ws
> >
> > I think you'll like my opensourced work :)
> >
> > Feedback is appreciated.
> I'm also having trouble downloading the ZIP file (Chrome 17.0.963.79 on
> OSX - not that the browser will have anything to do with this problem at
> all). The download starts, gets to a few MB and doesn't get any further.
> And 52MB? Since I can't actually see what it contains it's hard to judge,
> but right off the bat... is your artwork necessary for the thing to work?
> What external libraries are you using?
> Just from looking around the site there are a few things that jump out...
> * The dropdown menus are incredible jittery, certainly nowhere near
> production-ready.
> * The background image gets squished according to the dimensions of the
> browser window.
> * Your homepage weighs in at massive 2.6MB. Nuff sed!
> I suggest you take the focus off the way it looks and concentrate on what
> it does. Tabs with animated backgrounds remind me of websites from the late
> 90s. You may have developed an incredible framework here, but I don't know
> because it's buried under >50MB of other stuff that I almost certainly
> don't care about, and that's before I've even been able to download it.
> -Stuart
> --
> Stuart Dallas
> 3ft9 Ltd
> http://3ft9.com/


That being unable to download the zip file correctly is something I'll take
up with my hosting provider tomorrow.
I've downloaded it in full and opened it OK in winrar just now, btw.

The zip-file is created with winrar on windows 7, and according to Floyd
Resler has to get it's extension changed to .rar, then decompressed with
Stuffit Expander. Also something to look into soon, btw.

As for my menu being jittery, it's not jittery on any of the windows
browsers I tested.
And I have no mac-book available to me, not even from friends and family
who are all on windows (on my recommendation btw ;)

As for my files and homepage being Huge, yep, it's made for the future or
current fast internet connections.
Frankly, size reduction is not on my agenda. I'll wait for the nets to
become faster still.
And the server should spit it out at 2MB/s at least..

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