On 2012-03-21, at 2:39 PM, Jay Blanchard <jay.blanch...@sigmaphinothing.org> 

> This is a continuation of the nested query thing I posted to the list a while 
> back. I was finally able to output a nested unordered array that worked out 
> well, but scope-creep has come in the door and I have to change gears.
> I have a project where I have multiple queries and each query uses the 
> results from the previous query to get it's results. I need to do one of two 
> things, either out put a multidimensional array that I can use json_encode() 
> on or I have to format the output from the queries as a JSON string. The 
> resulting JSON will be used by a JavaScript widget and must be formed 
> correctly. I created the following array by hand:
> $userList = array("John" => array(
>                     "email" => "j...@demo.com",
>                     "website" => "www.john.com",
>                     "age" => "22",
>                     "password" => "pass",
>                     "description" => array(
>                         "hair" => "blonde",
>                         "eyes" => "blue",
>                         "build" => "medium"
>                     )),
>                  "Anna" => array(
>                     "email" => "a...@demo.com",
>                     "website" => "www.anna.com",
>                     "age" => "24",
>                     "password" => "pass",
>                     "description" => array(
>                         "hair" => "brunette",
>                         "eyes" => "hazel",
>                         "build" => "petite"
>                         )
>                     ));  
> I ran it through json_encode() and got the following output
> {"John":{"email":"j...@demo.com","website":"www.john.com","age":"22","password":"pass","description":{"hair":"blonde","eyes":"blue","build":"medium"}},"Anna":{"email":"a...@demo.com","website":"www.anna.com","age":"24","password":"pass","description":{"hair":"brunette","eyes":"hazel","build":"petite"}}}
> jslint.com verifies this as good JSON (although I thought there had to be 
> square brackets around child arrays).
> If you were me would you just generate the JSON? If not what is he best way 
> to output an array that will nest properly for each subsequent query?
> Thanks for any insight!
Would it not be easier to get the data from a view which has the tables joined? 
Then it would be one query and it's a simple matter to format the results into 
the multi dimensional array then json?

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