On 26 April 2012 22:27, Chris Stinemetz <chrisstinem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello list,
> I'm trying to pass a query string through $_GET but for some reason
> the array is being split on '&'. How may I avoid this so it stays
> intacted?
> user selection portion:
> while($storerow = mysql_fetch_assoc($storesresult))
> echo '<h4><a href="store.php?id=' . $storerow['store_subject'] . '">'
> . $storerow['store_subject'] . '</a></h4> at ' . date('m-d-Y h:i:s A',
> strtotime($storerow['real_time_date']));
> produces url string:
> http://westeng/forum/store.php?id=Wiser Communication, LLC -& - Sprague
> Ave
> print("<pre>".print_r($_GET,true)."</pre>"); ## results below
> Array
> (
>    [id] => Wiser Communication, LLC -
>    [-_Sprague_Ave] =>
> )
> How do I make it so the string isn't split into two elements in the
> array? I want it to stay instact.

You should urlencode the query parameter.

> Thank you,
> Chris
> --
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