On 1 mei 2012, at 10:59, rene7705 wrote:

> Hi folks.
> I was here a while ago, trying to figure out how to keep deployment
> instances of my common code, running on more than 1 site, in sync with
> eachother.
> I've looked at rsync which was recommended here, but didn't like it much,
> nor could I find a good windows version of it.
> So yesterday, I decided to try a pure PHP solution. My thinking was: run a
> PHP sync script once on each physical machine that holds possibly multiple
> copies of my common code, and FTP the common code only 1 time because I use
> only 1 shared hosting account besides my windows development machine.
> I've gotten it so far that it creates an imo good list of what to copy
> where.
> The only problem I can foresee is that the copy command will take more than
> 30 seconds, which makes it hard to run at the shared hoster.
> And obviously, it's going to need some good input checking to prevent
> abuse.
> I've put up a demo at
> http://skatescene.biz/sites/mediabeez.ws/sync_secret_cndj593n2/ , you can
> "execute" the "code" job to see it in action.
> I'll also post the working copy of my sync library at the bottom of this
> post. The only thing missing is the actual copy($source,$dest), I think.
> But, I'm wondering if this is a good approach to code deployment. It
> certainly seems easier and more convenient to me than using rsync. Maybe
> i'm an amateur indeed ;)  Anyways, all criticism is welcome here. Thanks
> for your time! :)
> <?php
> function sync_echo_jobs ($path) {
> $jobs = sync_read_jobs ($path);
> echo '<div id="rajmvSync_jobs_json"><!-- '.json_encode($jobs).' --></div>';
> echo '<ul class="rajmvSync_jobs">';
> foreach ($jobs['jobs'] as $jobName => $job) {
> echo '<li>'.$jobName.' (<a
> href="javascript:rscg.executeJob(\''.$jobName.'\');">execute</a>) (<a
> href="javascript:rscg.showEditJobForm(\''.$jobName.'\');">edit</a>)</li>';
> }
> echo '</ul>';
> ?>
> <?php
> }
> function sync_read_jobs ($path) {
> $filepath = $path.'/rajmvSync_jobs.json';
> if (file_exists($filepath)) {
> $r = json_decode (file_get_contents($filepath), true);
> } else {
> $r = array (
> 'jobs' => array()
> );
> }
> return $r;
> }
> function sync_write_jobs ($path, $jobs) {
> $filepath = $path.'/rajmvSync_jobs.json';
> file_put_contents ($filepath, json_encode($jobs));
> }
> function sync_addOrEditJob ($path, $name, $paths) {
> $jobs = sync_read_jobs ($path);
> $jobs['jobs'][$name] = array (
> 'paths' => $paths
> );
> sync_write_jobs ($path, $jobs);
> }
> function sync_executeJob ($path, $name) {
> $jobs = sync_read_jobs ($path);
> if (array_key_exists($name, $jobs['jobs'])) {
> $job = $jobs['jobs'][$name];
> $paths = explode ("\n", $job['paths']);
> // work only on approved paths;
> $pathsApproved = array();
> foreach ($paths as $idx=>$pathToSync) {
> $drive = strtolower(substr($pathToSync,0,2));
> if ($drive=='m:') $pathsApproved[]=$pathToSync;
> }
> $paths = $pathsApproved;
> // get a list of files for each path to sync with the other paths in the
> same list/var
> $fileLists = array();
> foreach ($paths as $idx => $pathToSync) {
> $fileLists[$pathToSync] = getFilePathList ($pathToSync, true, "/(.*)/",
> array('file'));
> }
> // get all the last modified timestamps for each of the found files
> $fileList = array();
> foreach ($paths as $idx => $pathToSync) {
> foreach ($fileLists[$pathToSync] as $idx2 => $filepathToSync) {
> $fileRelativePath = str_replace ($pathToSync, '', $filepathToSync);
> if (!array_key_exists($fileRelativePath, $fileList))
> $fileList[$fileRelativePath] = array();
> $fileList[$fileRelativePath][$pathToSync] = filemtime($filepathToSync);
> }
> }
> // $copyList will hold all the copy commands, initialize;
> $copyList = array();
> foreach ($fileList as $fileRelativePath => $locationResults) {
> foreach ($locationResults as $pathToSync => $filemtime) {
> if (!array_key_exists($fileRelativePath, $copyList))
> $copyList[$fileRelativePath] = array(
> 'latest' => null,
> 'source' => null,
> 'destinations' => array()
> );
> if (is_null($copyList[$fileRelativePath]['latest']) || $filemtime >
> $copyList[$fileRelativePath]['latest']) {
> $copyList[$fileRelativePath]['source'] = $pathToSync;
> $copyList[$fileRelativePath]['latest'] = $filemtime;
> }
> }
> }
> // schedule copy command for all files with older filemtime() than the
> latest copy
> foreach ($fileList as $fileRelativePath => $locationResults) {
> foreach ($locationResults as $pathToSync => $filemtime) {
> if ($filemtime < $copyList[$fileRelativePath]['latest']) {
> $copyList[$fileRelativePath]['destinations'][] = $pathToSync;
> }
> }
> }
> // schedule copy command for all new files that must go to all $pathToSync
> where it is not present yet:
> foreach ($copyList as $fileRelativePath => $fileRec) {
> if (count($fileList[$fileRelativePath])!=count($paths)) {
> foreach ($paths as $idx=>$pathToSync) {
> if (!array_key_exists($pathToSync, $fileList[$fileRelativePath]))
> $copyList[$fileRelativePath]['destinations'][] = $pathToSync;
> }
> }
> }
> // debug output of actual copy commands
> foreach ($copyList as $fileRelativePath => $fileRec) {
> if (count($fileRec['destinations'])>0) {
> echo $fileRec['source'].$fileRelativePath.' : ';
> var_dump ($fileRec['destinations']);
> }
> }
> }
> }
> ?>

PD::: Forgot to copy it to the list, my apologies

If I understood the problem correctly, you want to keep a single copy of your 
code on every machine you work, including the final server. 

Have you read about SVN ? You can set up a cronjob to execute it automatically 
if you want, there are clients for Windows, Zend Studio, etc etc. 

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