On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 12:33 AM, Ethan Rosenberg <eth...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Dear List -
> Is there any IDE which will let me step thru my code AND give the
> opportunity to enter data; eg, when a form should be displayed allow me to
> enter data into the form and then proceed?  I realize the forms are either
> HTML and/or Javascript, but there must be a work-around.  I is exceedingly
> tedious to use echo print var_dump print_r.
> Thanks.
> Ethan
> --
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Hi, Ethan

The only thing I can come up with, that would really help you, since
you're just working with var_dump and print_r, is a php-debugger.

The common debugger for php are Zend Debugger and xdebug.

Nearly every IDE can be connected to them and if you set it up
correctly you can browse through your side (using your favourite
browser) and activate the debugger just by setting a cookie. For
several browsers there are plugins that set the cookie by clicking an
I'm talking about "nearly every IDE" because I saw a screenshot of
someone debugging a php-script using xdebug and vi :)

Just the first two links I found on google ...
* http://xdebug.org/docs/install

Is that what you need?

I'm personally using PhpStorm and a VM with Debian, PHP 5.3 and xdebug
to debug my scripts and am perfectly fine with that. I can send you my
whole xdebug-config if you want :)

The stuff with javascript sounds like something automated to me ...
But I don't think you're talking about auto-form-fill and stuff like
that, are you?


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