I see that the sql file didn't come through to the web archive of this
list, so I'm posting it in-message here once more, for those

drop table if exists rajmvServiceLog;
create table rajmvServiceLog (
        id integer not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
        initial_id varchar(250),
        php_remote_addr varchar(20),
        php_time integer,
        php_referrer longtext,
        php_request_method varchar(10),
        php_script_filename longtext,
        php_script_name longtext,
        php_self longtext,
        php_request_uri longtext,
        php_query_string longtext,
        php_get_vars longtext,
        php_post_vars longtext,
        php_cookie_vars longtext,
        php_http_host longtext,
        php_http_connection varchar(250),
        php_http_user_agent longtext,
        php_http_accept varchar(250),
        php_http_accept_encoding varchar(250),
        php_http_accept_language varchar(250),
        php_http_cache_control varchar(250),
        php_http_accept_charset varchar(250),
        php_server_name varchar(250),
        php_server_addr varchar(20),
        php_server_port varchar(10),
        php_server_software varchar(250),

        php_context_json longtext,
        php_error_json longtext,

        js_location_href longtext,
        js_location_hash longtext,
        js_time integer,
        js_milliseconds_since_init_of_page integer,
        js_date_time_txt varchar(250),
        js_referrer longtext,
        js_screen_width integer,
        js_screen_height integer,
        js_browser_width integer,
        js_browser_height integer,
        js_error_message longtext,
        js_error_url longtext,
        js_error_line integer,
        primary key (id)

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