On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 8:32 PM, Don Wieland <d...@pointmade.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I built a system in PHP/mySQL where a group of users post events, sign-up
> for events, change their arrival times, remove thier names from events, and
> post related notes on the events. Each time an action is done, an email is
> generated to the entire group that their has been a change. Pretty standard
> stuff...
> Today I just got an Mail Delivery System email with this error:
> Domain dwdcweb.info has exceeded the max emails per hour (350/350 (100%))
> allowed.  Message will be reattempted later
> I contacted my VPS provider and they just alerted me that there is a limit
> on how many emails my server can send per hour.
> They recommended I find a 3rd party service provider with support PHP API
> connections.
> My budget is limited. Does anyone have any suggestions of companies that
> might work for my scenario?
> Any feedback is appreciated ;-)
> Don
> --
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Amazon has an email service you can plug in to with php




Cat, the other other white meat

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