"Tim Dunphy" <bluethu...@gmail.com> wrote in message 

Notice: Undefined index: subject in
on line 23 Notice: Undefined index: elvismail in
on line 24 Notice: Undefined index: [PHP_SELF in
on line 62

[Wed Jun 27 20:13:42 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice:
Undefined index: [PHP_SELF in
on line 62, referer: http://localhost/elvis/

You're missing an input (POST) for the field named 'subject'.  Something 
change in your html?  As in you no longer have a 'subject' input field? 
Same for the other field named.  As for the missing PHP_SELF - did you start 
a session?  I could be way off on this.  The errors are even giving you the 
line number so it shouldn't be hard to find!

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