On 06/29/2012 05:18 AM, Tom Sparks wrote:
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Re: php batch/queue framwork
Friday, 29 June, 2012 6:30 AM
"Shailesh N. Humbad" <humb...@alum.mit.edu>
On 6/28/2012 11:58 AM, Tom Sparks wrote:
I am looking for a batch/queue framework that is database-centric?
I could write my own, but I want one that is mature

"It's a nerdy thing I like to do"

You could try Amazon Simple Queue Service: http://aws.amazon.com/sqs/
Use the PHP SDK: http://aws.amazon.com/sdkforphp/
I was hoping for something that I could run local on my host


Have a look at Beanstalk and Gearman. They're the most common run-yourself queues I've seen, and both have PHP libraries available.

ZeroMQ is also the darling of the queuing world these days, but I don't know off hand how good the PHP support is.

You won't find a GOOD "database-centric" queue framework, rather by definition. A queuing server may use a DB of some kind as a backend itself, but a queue server by definition pushes tasks to workers that are waiting for it. That's simply not how an SQL DB is designed. You would have to do a polling worker that polls a database for new tasks. You could write such a system -- Drupal comes with one as a default implementation since then you don't need a separate queueing program, for instance -- but it will always be greatly inferior to a real daemonized queue server.

--Larry Garfield

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