On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 6:04 AM, RGraph.net support <supp...@rgraph.net> wrote:
> Hi,
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak1QF0ijPYbedDNvb19SQl80MHcxUWhhbTZOYm5FUlE
> Yikes. That's a littled bit worrying. Or does it really mean that
> everyone is getting much better with PHP? :-)
> --
> Richard, RGraph.net support
> RGraph: JavaScript charts for your website
> http://www.rgraph.net
> --
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My guess would be that it's just one of those things -- every list
I've ever been on goes through cycles of more and less activity.
Also, most of them wind down quite a lot in the North American summer
(the motorcycle forums being an exception).

They also tend to hit a peak around the end of the first/beginning of
the second year they exist, then taper off for a while, then come
back.  I'd bet when the next major version of PHP is released we'll
see an upswing in traffic for a while as people try to figure it out.


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