
We have:
error_reporting((E_ALL | E_STRICT) & ~(E_NOTICE | E_USER_NOTICE));

Displaying errors is disabled:
display_errors = Off

We have a custom error handler which logs all errors to a file.
In this file we receive byeffect errors, like that the second argument
to "array_key_exists" should be array, but is NULL. When we further
debug the reason is that the second argument is an instance variable,
and all instance variables are NULL.
We're pretty sure this is a software bug, since it only happens from
time to time, and already happens in the first line of the php script,
when none of our application code was loaded.
For example:

class A{}
$a = new A();
$a->foo = 1;
if ($a->foo === null) {
 throw new Exception("strange");

will throw an exception.

Since it only happens from time to time, it is really hard to debug.
We're now trying to reproduce in a virtual machine environment, while
replaying the actual requests that our webserver received. When we're
just simulating random load on the web server it doesn't happen. So it
must have something to do with certain requests, and they must have
some strange byeffect on php, or mod_php or something related.

Any input welcome!


On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 11:11 PM, Jim Lucas <li...@cmsws.com> wrote:
> On 08/12/2012 05:32 AM, Reto Kaiser wrote:
>> Hi,
>> So I have this strange situation where I assign a classvariable a
>> value, but when I read the value it is NULL.
>> Does anyone have an idea what could cause this, or how to further debug?
>> Thanks,
>>   Reto
> What is your error reporting set to?
> Do you have display errors turned on?
> Are you saving your errors to a log file?
> --
> Jim Lucas
> http://www.cmsws.com/
> http://www.cmsws.com/examples/

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