On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 6:55 PM, David Harkness
<davi...@highgearmedia.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 4:39 AM, Matijn Woudt <tijn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> First of all, I believe [A] PHP is smart enough to not generate bytecode
>> for functions that are not used in the current file. Think about the
>> fact that you can write a function with errors, which will run fine
>> until you call the function. [B] (except for syntax errors).
>  [B] negates [A]. PHP must either parse the file into opcodes or load them
> from APC and further execute the top-level opcodes. That means defining
> functions (not calling them unless called directly), constants, global
> variables, classes, etc. No amount of measuring is required to tell me that
> doing X vs. not doing X in this case clearly takes longer.

[B] does not negate [A]. There's a difference between parsing the
syntax and defining functions, classes constants and globals, and
generating bytecode. In a 'normal' file I guess syntax definitions are
only about 5% of the total contents, the rest can be ignored until
being called.

> Now, is that time significant enough to warrant the extra logic required? In
> my case, absolutely. We organize our library into many classes in multiple
> files. By using an autoloader, we simply don't need to think about it.
> Include bootstrap.php which sets up the autoloader and include paths. Done.
> In the case with a single 50k library file that is used on 10% of the pages,
> I'd absolutely require_once it only in the pages that need it without
> measuring the performance. It's so trivial to maintain that single include
> in individual pages that the gain on 90% of the pages is not worth delving
> deeper.
> Peace,
> David

Let me quote the OP, I think that suffices:
"When answering this question, please approach the matter strictly from
a caching/performance point of view, not from a convenience point of
view just to avoid that the discussion shifts to a programming style
and the do's and don'ts."

- Matijn

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