Karl DeSaulniers <k...@designdrumm.com> wrote:

>On Oct 21, 2012, at 5:01 AM, Maciek Sokolewicz wrote:
>> On 21-10-2012 01:11, Karl DeSaulniers wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the response. Yes, for the US I plan on calculating by
>>>>> state, but
>>>>> this website is not geared to just the US.
>>>>> So I am looking for a solution that lets me also calculate by
>>>>> country/region.
>>>>> Was looking on google and found geoip, but not sure if this will
>>>>> the job
>>>>> I am looking for.
>>>>> Anyone with experience on geoip that can send pointers?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Karl DeSaulniers
>>>>> Design Drumm
>>>>> http://designdrumm.com
>>>> Geo IP is based on IP, and I must warn you that IP data is not
>>>> always
>>>> accurate. Especially here in Europe, companies that are based in
>>>> multiple countries sometimes only register their IPs in a single
>>>> country, and share them between all the countries they are active
>>>> in.
>>>> This will give you wrong data from GeoIP. The time difference will
>>>> only be 1 hour at max, but still.
>>> That was what my own suspicions were leading to.
>>> I am familiar with the fact that ips can be spoofed.
>>> Thanks for the corroboration.
>>> Best,
>>> Karl DeSaulniers
>>> Design Drumm
>>> http://designdrumm.com
>> As Bart said, IP is not ideal for this situation.
>> Since you do have information about the location of that person (as
>> in country and possible state), you can find out the timezone via a
>> static database.
>> The HTML5 geolocation tool is nice, and would certainly help a lot!
>> However, be aware of the fact that it only works if there is the
>> device on which the browser runs actually has the ability to find
>> out its location. Many smartphones have GPS chips, but most PCs
>> don't. Asking a PC "where are you located?" the PC will answer "How
>> should I know?".
>> Luckily for you, the way of country and state is pretty easy. I've
>> handed you a list to find it in the USA. For most countries in the
>> world, there's a simple 1:1 mapping of timezone and country
>> ), there are however 21 countries which have multiple timezones. In
>> these cases, you'll need extra information to be able to distinguish
>> between them.
>> For the USA, you already have a way.
>> For (ex-)colonical islands and such (such as for France), you could
>> always add them to the country list:
>> - France
>> - France (Marquesas Islands)
>> - France (Gambier)
>> etc.
>> Thus treating them as separate countries for your timezone db.
>> In Russia, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brasil, Indonesia,
>> Kiribati, Mexico,Congo, Ecuador, Micronesia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia
>> you'll need to know their province / state to more accurately assess
>> the ideal timezone.
>> So for most countries, it's a simple 1:1 translation. For the above
>> countries, you'll need some extra info, and translate further based
>> on that. You should be able to find the info required yourself, it
>> just takes a while to collect it.
>> Alternatively, and this is the most simple way; since you're asking
>> people for their country and such, simply also ask them about their
>> timezone. Don't bother automating and putting a heck of a lot of
>> time into hard to realize solutions, when you can ask a very simple
>> and easy-to-answer question to the browser instead. :)
>> - Tul
>Yes, I had thought about asking the user his/her timezone, but being
>that the product will be bought by some people who may have no idea, I
>figured I would try and see if I can set it up myself.
>Maybe if the country has a province, i could ask the user then what
>province and get my 1:2 that way. If it is a country I can get the
>timezone for, just skip that question.
>Thanks for the thoughts!
>Karl DeSaulniers
>Design Drumm

Don't most browsers include this information in the HTTP headers?
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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