On 12-12-2012 17:11, Curtis Maurand wrote:
I have several poisoned .js files on a server. I can use find to
recursively find them and then use preg_replace to replace the string.
However the string is filled with single quotes, semi-colons and a lot
of other special characters. Will
preg_relace(escapeshellarg($String),$replacement) work or do I need to
go through the entire string and escape what needs to be escaped?
First of all, why do you want to use preg_replace when you're not
actually using regular expressions??? Use str_replace or stri_replace
Aside from that, escapeshellarg() escapes strings for use in shell
execution. Perl Regexps are not shell commands. It's like using
mysqli_real_escape_string() to escape arguments for URLs. That doesn't
compute, just like your way doesn't either.
If you DO wish to escape arguments for a regular expression, use
preg_quote instead, that's what it's there for. But first, reconsider
using preg_replace, since I honestly don't think you need it at all if
the way you've posted
(preg_replace(escapeshellarg($string),$replacement)) is the way you want
to use it.
- Tul
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