I like PHPUnit for that matter. It does a good job of debugging.


On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 8:41 AM, rene7705 <rene7...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Folks.
> URL: http://fancywebapps.com/products/htmlMicroscope
> Just wanted to let you all know that I've completed a long overdue
> upgrade to my free htmlMicroscope web component.
> It is basically a fancy replacement for var_dump() which can show you
> the full depth of an array regardless of how large or deep your PHP
> array or javascript object is.
> I won't repeat the entire homepage content here, but I think this
> version could be useful for at least some of the programmers on this
> list.
> I'll only repeat this message for significant updates.
> This is a significant update because I've finally cracked the barrier
> of displaying an object with more than a few hundred key-value pairs
> on a single level. That used to crash all browsers, not anymore.
> i'll continue work on this, want to build in (in order of priority):
> - auto navigation options (auto smooth scroll to links within the data)
> - middle mouse button click -> smooth offset scrolling
> - html source view
> - auto indented and colorcoded syntax-checked view for html + json
> Merry Christmas and a productive New Year to ya'll :D
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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