On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 9:06 AM, Radek Krejča <radek.kre...@starnet.cz>wrote:

> Hello, I am usin json regulary, but in one script I have mistery:
> echo($decrypted_data)."\n\n";
> var_dump(json_decode($decrypted_data, true));
> echo "\n";
> var_dump(json_decode('{"result_ok":true,"result_message":null,"client_name":"Radek
> Krej\u010da"}', true));
> I got:
> {"result_ok":true,"result_message":null,"client_name":"Radek Krej\u010da"}
> array(3) {
>   ["result_ok"]=>
>   bool(true)
>   ["result_message"]=>
>   NULL
>   ["client_name"]=>      a"
> } string(13) "Radek KrejÄ
> You can see, that in $decrypted_data, is stored valid (by my opinion) json
> data. If I use this variable in json_decode, I got "null". And if I manualy
> use data displayed on screen, I got valid array.
> Where I do mistake? If I remove client_name (so no utf8 is in json data),
> situation is the same.
> Radek


It could be there are NUL-bytes or other unprintable ASCII characters in
the original $decrypted_data.
Try this:
Yes, json_encode, as it will show \u0000 or any other low unicode value.

- Matijn

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