[EMAIL PROTECTED] (René Moonen) wrote:

 > Hi,
 > I'm using PHP for a few weeks now, so you can imagine that I'm making a
 > lot of typing errors...
 > Often I make a typing error in one of the variable names ($helo instead
 > of $hello or worse still $Hello instead of $hello). Since PHP does not
 > care about declaring variables before using them, it is very easy to
 > overlook such  small typing error in a large PHP script.
 > In the old days of ANSI C, there where things like LINT that would help
 > you with these problems. Of course in ANSI C these things were easier,
 > because of the fact that variables need to be declared before they could
 > be used.
 > My questions:
 > 1. can you configure PHP in such away that variables need to be
 > declared?

you can change your warning level to E_ALL to give you a warning when
variables aren't defined, but it still does not NEED to be defined.

 > 2. are there source code checking tools that could help me locate
 > problems like described above?

dont know.

Henrik Hansen

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