Csanyi Pal <csanyi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It is interesting.. that when I switch to English language for
> Moodle installation ( on the web interface ), then I get not this error,
> but if I switch back to Hungarian language for installation, I get it
> again. 

I am completely unfamiliar with Moodle, have no idea what it is or how
it works with I18n stuff. But, if it works in one language and not the
other, the problem probably isn't with curl, or necessarily with the php
configuration, either.

When you switch to Hungarian, what are the actual errors you are seeing?
Stick the log in a gist or pastebin so it doesn't get mangled by email.

> The info.php file with the content of:
> <?
>  phpinfo();
> ?>
> should show the enabled cURL extension?

I missed this one, somehow.

Yes, exactly, the cURL module should show up on phpinfo() output.

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