On 6 July 2013 19:50, Brian Smither <bhsmit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >It looks like you are running the thread-safe version with
> >FastCGI, which I understand to be counter to the recommendations.
> Thank you for the comment.
> I switched to PHP5.4.17-NTS-VC9, but the application still crashes. And
> still no clue as to why.
> So, still looking for that magic method to get PHP to report what's
> happening on a 500 Internal Server Error when it's (presumably? not
> sure...) not the server's fault.

Have you got all your extensions updated? Enable display_startup_errors.
Try running the command line PHP ...

php -r "echo 1;"

With your config. Just to see if there is anything ultra obvious missing.

Richard Quadling
Twitter : @RQuadling

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