On Tuesday, July 24, 2001 2:32 AM, Alexander Skwar said:

> But this is not a good idea!  There are Names (like "Hans vom Bach" or
> somesuch) which do NOT have to be captialized.  Actually, capitalizing
> the "vom" would be wrong.  Although this was just a German
> example, I'd bet there are names in French, Dutch, Spanish, Italian as
> well which should not be capitalized.

 ..or, at least not capitalized in the simple fashion of ucwords().

  Leonardo da Vinci
  Otto von Bismarck

> Hmm, how about English?

 ..or Scottish, or Irish?

  Elle MacPherson
  Angus MacGyver
  Ronald McDonald

> Sometimes there are suffixes like "the 3rd", no?  Would it be right
> to capitalize this?

  Well, usually that'd be "III".  Of course, "John Smith, Iii" would be

 - Brian

  Brian S. Dunworth
  Sr. Software Development Engineer
  Oracle Database Administrator
  The Printing House, Ltd.
  (850) 875-1500 x225

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