Those Belgacom emails were the only thing keeping me from a crushing
loneliness - undo!

On 16 August 2013 11:51, Matijn Woudt <> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Daniel Brown <> wrote:
>> # ezmlm-list ~ezmlm/php-general | grep skynet
>> # ezmlm-unsub ~ezmlm/php-general
>> # ezmlm-list ~ezmlm/php-general | grep skynet
>> #
>>     No more of those "Your e-mail concerning our products and
>> services" autoreplies from the Belgacom Webteam.  Sorry it took me
>> this long to realize it and get around to it.
>>     Happy Friday.
>> Daniel,
> Thank you, thank you, thank you ;)

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