Kurth Bemis wrote:
> At 04:42 PM 7/24/2001, Benjamin Bleything wrote:
> i'm pretty sure that the extra numbers are coord of that town.  you know
> the long and lat.
[== snip, snip ==]

FWIW, here is the formula needed, here just a snippet getting the
distance between two ZIP's, and, yes, Virginia, you have to
have the latitude and longitude in radians:

#== construct the computed distance field (artificial field) ==
                $dist   = "(ACOS(SIN($this->LAST_LAT) * ";
                $dist   .= "SIN(LatRad) + ";
                $dist   .= "COS($this->LAST_LAT) * ";
                $dist   .= "COS(LatRad) * ";
                $dist   .= "COS(LongRad -$this->LAST_LONG)) *";
                $dist   .= "3958.88012572)";

For this snippet, consider LAST_LAT and LAST_LONG the
"first point" in this spherical geometry solution, nicely all
done by MySQL.  But you can do the formula in PHP, if you

> > >On Mon, 23 Jul 2001, Vincent P. Cocciolone wrote:
> > >
> > >> Hi,
> > >>
> > >> Does anyone know where can I find documentation or example scripts for
> > >
> > >> a zip code locator. I'm looking for something that will list other zip
> > >
> > >> codes within a number of miles radius of the zip specified.
> > >>
> > >> Thanks!
> > >>
> > >> Vince

Justin Farnsworth
Eye Integrated Communications
321 South Evans - Suite 203
Greenville, NC 27858 | Tel: (252) 353-0722

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