Hi! Dear friends,
     How to display the values in HTML FORM by retrieving the values from database.
Please any one of u know suggest me.
Thanks in advance.
// Connect to MySQL
    mysql_connect( 'localhost', 'balaji', 'pingpong' )
        or die ( 'Unable to connect to server.' );
    // Select database on MySQL server
    mysql_select_db( 'imac' )
        or die ( 'Unable to select database.' );
<BODY background="imacbg1.gif">
<form method="POST" action="modifyuser.php">
<div align="center">
<h2>Modify User</h2>
<script language="php">
    $query = "SELECT * from employee WHERE emp_id='$user' "; // $user will come from post method
    $result = mysql_query($query)or die ( 'Unable to execute query.' );
Employee No:      <input type="text" name="emp_id" value="//here i want to assign $result->emp_id //">
Name       :   <input type="text" name="emp_name" value="//here i want to assign $result->emp_name //">
Password:         <input type="password" name="emp_pass" value="">
Confirm Password: <input type="password" name="con_pass" value="">
User Type: <select name="usertype" >  // Here i want to select the option depending upon the value from database, if it is S or O.
     <option value="0" SELECTED>Select</option>
     <option value="S">SUPER USER</option>
     <option value="O">ORDINARY USER</option>
           <input type="button" Value="ADD" >
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
Thanks in advance.
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