What if you lose the JavaScript and keep the POST?...

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----- Original Message -----
From: Dan Harrington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 7:51 PM
Subject: method=post destroys PHPSESSID??

> Hello all,
> I'm having a heck of a time with a file uploader
> page.  When I set method=post on the file uploader
> form, the PHP session is somehow corrupted
> during the upload, and any links made in the
> in the resulting page (photoupload.php) don't
> pass along the session even though they
> have the exact same PHPSESSID value.
> ==================================================
> file://upload request page
> <FORM name="uploader" method="POST" ACTION="photoupload.php"
onSubmit="return checkform();"
> ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
> <input type="hidden" name="PHPSESSID" value="<? echo $PHPSESSID; ?>">
> .
> .
> .
> [snip]
> </form>
> ==================================================
> The session and variables seem fine _IN_ photoupload.php,
> but when I try to link to another page from the
> photoupload.php page, it is broken.
> But when I right-click on the links, copy the link
> shortcut complete with PHPSESSID,
> e.g.
> (http://foo.bar.com/asdfsad.php?PHPSESSID=!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$@!#$)
> and then I take and paste that into the location: field in
> a newly opened web browser, the session works and I
> can continue to use it.
> But when I try to click on the link inside of the photoupload.php,
> the session dies and doesn't show any of the PHP session variables
> even though I've checked and they exist and have values in the
> session files on the hard drive on the server.
> One more weird anomaly, is that when I change the method=post
> to method=get in the html upload request page, I don't have
> these problems with the session.  (I just have problems with the
> file upload because it requires method=post).
> Anyone have an idea to whats going on here?
> Thanks
> Dan

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