Let me give just one reply.. I did read them all..

I don't hate Kyle Smith /me rather uses the energy needed to hate in a 
positive way.. Like to write docs for an opensource project. Did a rewrite 

Phil Driscoll.. you win. I'm Dutch. No I don't have time to go a few times 
over my mail just to see if I can put things nicer or just in another way.
Have to develop some applications.. learn new stuff.. review old code to 
make it better.. I keep on learning :-)

I agree with Justin Farnsworth and Scott [gts].. (And a few others..)

I don't think I've got an attitude problem. I don't know everything but I 
do bother to find information before I start asking questions to others who 
need to spend their VALUABLE time on MY problem.
IMHO someone who found php.net and this list to ask his/her question should 
also have clicked on the DOCUMENTATION and downloaded the manual of his/her 
I'd say only ask your question if it's not in the docs (perhaps not 100% 
clear) or in the archive.. Searchengines can be a great source too..
If it's in the archive it will cost less time then to wait for an answer. 
Sure you can look over something.... even if it's staring in your face.. 
I'm quite sure others will point that out to anyone who send a question..

There's nothing wrong with being a newbie.. the only newbie-problem I 
see/have is the lazy one.. ask ask ask ask without taking the time to read 
the manual or to do a search in the archive. Sure there are newbies who 
read the manual.. get some tutorials.. thats good. They should get all the 
support they need..

Ask yourself.. who has an attitude problem here.. Someone who didn't read 
the manual.. or someone (/me) who wrote to RTFM.
I find it worth mentioning that he finally downloaded the manual..

Enough bandwith and time wasted.



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