Tried this and got parsing errors so "<php></php> must be correct.

"Richard Baskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Does the manual actually say to use the tags "<php></php>"?  Or is it the
> normal tags of "<?php  ?>"?
> > I run a small search engine and adding URL's is a bit of a pain so I
> > I would try to make it easier. Looking around I found a PHP function
> > "get_meta_tags" which unsurprisingly, grabs the contents of varoius meta
> > tags. I just want the "description" contents so I first made a
> > PHP page ( which
> > performs get_meta_tags and uses $PHP_SELF so output is displayed on a
> > with the same name. Check it out and you see that works fine (was a
> > problem if no initial URL value set).
> >
> > However, the search engine uses HTML templates and that is where my
> > is.
> >
> > Within the orginal form (add_form.html) was just HTML so I deleted that
> > put the above working code between <php></php> tags to generate a form.
> > WhenI uploaded it and then entered the page, the form displayed OK but
> > I
> > press "generate meta tags" it refuses to output the results into the
> > The search engine manual says you can place PHP code within templates as
> > long as they are within <php></php> tags so I am now at a bit of loss.
> >
> > This is the add_form.html template if anyone is interested.
> >
> > <p class="ptitle">Add Link</p>
> > <table width="500" border="0" cellpadding="5">
> > <tr>
> > <td colspan="3">
> > <center>
> > <font face="Arial" size="2" color="Red"><%error_msg%></font>
> > </center>
> >
> > <php>
> >
> > if ($action == "generate")
> > {
> > print "<P>Insert the following HTML code between the &lt;HEAD&gt; tags
> > your site:";
> > print "<FORM><TEXTAREA ROWS=8 COLS=60>&LT;META NAME=\"description\"
> > CONTENT=\"$desc\"&GT;\n";
> > print "&LT;META NAME=\"keywords\" CONTENT=\"$keyw\"&GT;\n";
> > if ($robots == "yes")
> > {
> > print "&LT;META NAME=\"robot\" CONTENT=\"$robotsoption\"&GT;\n";
> > }
> > if ($refresh == "yes")
> > {
> > print "&LT;META NAME=\"refresh\" CONTENT=\"$refreshafter\"&GT;\n";
> > }
> > if ($copyright == "yes")
> > {
> > print "&LT;META NAME=\"copyright\" CONTENT=\"$copyrighttext\"&GT;\n";
> > }
> > if ($author == "yes")
> > {
> > print "&LT;META NAME=\"author\" CONTENT=\"$authorname\"&GT;\n";
> > }
> > if ($generator == "yes")
> > {
> > print "&LT;META NAME=\"generator\" CONTENT=\"$generatorname\"&GT;\n";
> > }
> > if ($language == "yes")
> > {
> > print "&LT;META NAME=\"language\" CONTENT=\"$languagetype\"&GT;\n";
> > }
> > if ($revisit == "yes")
> > {
> > print "&LT;META NAME=\"revisit-after\" CONTENT=\"$revisitdays\"&GT;\n";
> > }
> > print "</TEXTAREA></FORM>";
> > print "<A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF\">Create another set of meta tags</A><P>";
> >
> >
> > }
> > else
> > {
> > if (isset($getmetafrompage))
> > {
> > $MetaTags = get_meta_tags($getmetafrompage);
> > }
> > $description = $MetaTags["description"];
> > $keywords = $MetaTags["keywords"];
> > $robot = $MetaTags["robot"];
> > $author = $MetaTags["author"];
> > $refresh = $MetaTags["refresh"];
> > $copyright = $MetaTags["copyright"];
> > $revisit = $MetaTags["revisit-after"];
> > $generator = $MetaTags["generator"];
> > $language = $MetaTags["language"];
> >
> > $year = date('y');
> > print "<FORM ACTION=\"$PHP_SELF\" METHOD=post>";
> > print "If your page already has META tags you may import and edit
> > them.<BR>";
> > print "<B>URL:</B> <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=getmetafrompage SIZE=30
> > VALUE=\"http://\";><BR>";
> > print "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"Import META tags from page\"
> > class=\"button\"></FORM><HR>";
> >
> > print "<form action=\"add.php3\" method=post>";
> > print "<input type=hidden name=pflag value=add>";
> > print "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\"
> > width=\"100%\"><tr> <td><font face=\"Arial\"
> > size=\"2\">Title</font></td><td>";
> > print "<input type=text name=title size=40></td></tr><tr><td><font
> > face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\">Url</font></td><td>";
> > print "<input type=text name=url size=40
> > echo=\"$getmetafrompage\"></td></tr><tr><td valign=\"top\"><font
> > face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\">Description</font></td><td>";
> > print "<textarea name=\"description\" cols=40 rows=10 maxlength=255
> > wrap=virtual VALUE=\"$description\"></textarea>";
> > print "</td></tr><tr><td><font face=\"Arial\"
> > size=\"2\">Category</font></td><td><font face=\"Arial\"
> > size=\"2\"><%category%></font></td></tr><tr><td><font face=\"Arial\"
> > size=\"2\">Contact Name</font></td><td>";
> > print "<input type=text name=contact_name
> > face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\">Email</font></td><td><input type=text
> > size=30></td></tr><tr><td><font face=\"Aria\"
> > size=\"2\">Bid</font></td><td>";
> > print "<input type=text name=bid size=10><font face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\"
> > color=\"green\">(optional)</font></td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><input
> > type=submit name=submit value=\"Add\"
> > class=\"button\"></td></tr></table></form>";
> > }
> >
> > </php>
> >
> > </td>
> > </tr>
> > </table>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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