At 09.08.2001 13:17, B. van Ouwerkerk wrote:

>>Where in php.ini do you set it so that .html files will also run php?
>You don't.
>httpd.conf is the place to look. It says something about what Apache has 
>to do with .php and .php3 .. so.. add .html

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html
(this line should be there already, so don't add it, update it!).
(substitute x-httpd-php with x-httpd-php3 for php3)

Further you might want to modify your DirectoryIndex statement
to include index.php (and/or index.php3).

This is more related to php-install than php-general though, keep in mind
for the future...

Andreas D Landmark / noXtension
Real Time, adj.:
         Here and now, as opposed to fake time, which only occurs there
and then.

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