Hi, Munnik,
    I am starting the session if authentication is successful and i am closing the session whenever user click on logout button.
Here in my case authentication is succesfull and session is started. And i checked the c:\tmp directory. session file is there.
But it is not closing the session without starting a session again before closing.
I did as u told it works perfect. Thanks alot.
Why we have to start again another session before closing.
One more doubt..after logging out (it closed the session) and i pressed the back button in browser It has given
Warning.page expired. I pressed Refresh button It asked do u want to repost the values again. I pressed retry button. It posted the values again and created session again...
Is there anyway to restrict the reposting?? Means after pressing logout button we shouldn't allow the user to go back or reposting the data again and getting session again.
Thanks and Regards
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] plz check the warning message

On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 04:08:19PM +0530, Balaji Ankem wrote:
> Hi, munnik,
>       thankyou for u'r help.
> I am getting the following warning while closing session.
> Warning: Trying to destroy uninitialized session in c:\www\logout.php on line 3
> session closed for 85744
> Plz do the needful. I am sending the following files.
> logout.php
> <?php
> session_unregister(emp_id);
> session_destroy();
> echo "session closed for $emp_id";
> ?>
> <!DOCTYPE (...)
> (...) </HTML>

I just gave a quick look, but I think you forgot (or didn't know to)
add session_start() to your code. So it will be:

session_start(); /* <-- This is it! */
echo "session closed for $emp_id";
<!DOCTYPE (...)
(...) </HTML>

Otherwise you don't have any session to destroy...


* R&zE:

-- »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»
-- Renze Munnik
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-- 2011 LM  HAARLEM
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