oops slight mistake i noticed there..

should be

thats because mysql_fetch_row only returns one row.

to get all the rows do

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

        $firstcloumn = $row[0];


This will run through all the rows putting the colunms into the array $row[]



Jon Farmer
Systems Programmer, Entanet www.enta.net
Tel 01952 428969 Mob 07968 524175
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-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Morano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 14 August 2001 15:53
Subject: [PHP] Select


I'm having a problem with my Select statement. This is what i'm doing:

$connection = @mysql_connect("l", "c", "c") or die("Couldn't connect.");

$db = @mysql_select_db($db_name, $connection) or die("Couldn't select

$sql =" SELECT *
        FROM table_1

$result = @mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die("Couldn't execute query.");


echo   $count;

Yet the only result I get is the first value of the first

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