Well I know they aren't going to want to spend $11k on all that new stuff..
when what I have cost them nothing at all.. :) however, the company I'm
talking to is willing to deal and since I work for 6 radio stations they
would probably be willing to trade some advertisement on the air for their
software and SQL 7 etc.. however, I don't know if my bosses would be willing
to do that since mine doesn't have as many features (but will in the
future).. the big thing here is how much is it going to cost.. that's the
bottom line.. I'll just have to talk to them but I did want to get the input
of the open source community first so I could have something to back up why
we could use what I have developed instead of the other company's software.

Thanks for all your help!
Jay Paulson
Internet Program Director

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Kimsal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jay Paulson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Need open source community help!

> Why would people move away from a package they paid for already?
>  Especially
> if it's backed up by another company - I'm guessing there's probably
> some maintenance
> contracts they will be signing.
> I'd suggest you (Jay) look at some other OS projects which may be more
> full-featured
> already, and show those.  Chris is right - it depends somewhat on a
> timeline.  But there's
> going to have to be some custom work to get things "just right", OR they
> will need to
> adapt the business to the software, instead of the software to the
> business.
>  (which costs more in the long run?)
> re: Windows - I think you're being a bit hard on it.  As much as I
> support Linux, etc., after
> a few weeks of teething a Windows setup, we've had it up and running
> without
> any major incidents in over a year.  (SQL7)
> re: featureset - what kind of features do you not have that this other
> package has?
> Do you already have SQL7 in house?  If not, you'll need to purchase
> SQL2000, which
> "seems" to be $5k.  If you do named licensing, it may be a bit cheaper -
> depends on your
> company size.  Plus the cost of the Win machine, if you don't already
> have that.  Figure
> an extra $6k on top of the cost of the software.  Is it worth $6k to
> have something
> next week, or can they wait another month while you feverishly add the
> missing features -
> "exactly to spec" - for a custom fit?
> ---------------------------------------
> Michael Kimsal
> http://www.tapinternet.com/php/
> PHP Training Courses
> 734-480-9961
> PHP List wrote:
> >IMO
> >I would have to say it depends on the Timeline of your Boss.
> >Releasing the app to the open source community would be great, the more
> >there is, the more reason for people to stop using MS, but you can't
> >a schedule of when new features will be added.
> >You may have to go with the MS for now, and wait for your app to be
> >developed with the new features, then convince your boss on moving to
> >software. You should be able to move all the data from one to the other
> >without to much trouble.
> >
> >Chris
> >
> >
> --
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