Another part of this is an external program on the server that can't 
read from the gzipped file.  The file has to be uncompressed, 
unfortunately.  The resulting uncompressed file is recompressed through 
a cron job after 30 days if it hasn't been used for 30 days.

I came up with something that appears to work WRT the pop up dialog 
problem.  In my main browser window, from Javascript, I pop up an alert 
telling the luser the unzip is beginning.  Then in the gunzip code, in 
the <BODY>, I do this:

  print(" onUnload=\"alert('Finished uncompressing $datafile... please " .
      "refresh main window.')\"\n");

And I use Javascript to close the window.  Now I just need a way to 
automatically refresh the main browser window and I'm happy.

Thanks for the help!

Christian Reiniger wrote:

>On Tuesday 21 August 2001 17:10, Ray Clouse wrote:
>>So we need to keep as much compressed as possible, but we have to
>>uncompress the data for the webpages to use it.  The PHP webpages on
>>the server use the uncompressed data to generate plots.  The data is
>>never sent to the user, just the plots.
>>The main problem I'm having is with page resolution.  If I say:
>>  print("<SCRIPT>jsPopupWindow('Starting UNZIP');</SCRIPT>\n");
>>  $gunzipcmdline = "gunzip /PATHTO/MYDATA";
>>  $result = exec("$gunzipcmdline", $execout, $execretval);
>Uncompressing should not take that much time. And you can speed it up by 
>using the zlib functions instead of a exec (gunzip ...)
>Also, if the file to be uncompressed is very large, you should cache the 
>results  (the generated plots).

Ray Clouse                         |             Don't fear the penguins.
Engineer Scientist/Specialist      |              
Boeing Expendable Launch Vehicles  |  Ray.Clouse AT
Huntington Beach, CA               |  clouse AT

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