Just a quick addition...  when a PHP script is run as a shell script from a Perl
script (that make sense?) it cannot pass back exit variables to the Perl

Would love to be proven wrong on this as I had to dust off Perl programming for
a RADIUS interface some time ago.


>You can get back whatever Perl spews out to 'stdout' using that.
>> I'm integrating a telephony service into a clients site. I'm pretty handy
>> with PHP but I don't have much knowledge of perl. I've setup up my
>> site using PHP and the service provided me with a Perl script to make the
>> telephone connection. I used virtual() in my PHP script to pass variables
>> the Perl script but now I need to deal with passing the results from the
>> Perl back to PHP.
>> Is there something like virtual() in Perl that I could use to relay the
>> variables back to my script? Can I call up the Perl variables from my PHP
>> script after virtual()?

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