<Original message>
From: Carlos Fernando Scheidecker Antunes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, Aug 27, 2001 at 07:48:06PM -0500
Message-ID: <001201c12f5b$19d05e60$0a505ad1@Nando4>
Subject: [PHP] Multiple JavaScript Windows

> Hello All,
> I need to have multiple JavaScripts windows with my database PHP script.
> The idea is to have a main Page and links to pop-up JavaScript
> Windows to enter information on the database. Once these windows
> are closed the main PHP page need to be automaticaly updated.
> The Database is a Report system that depends on 4 tables. One main
> table and 3 other tables that contain information for that report
> such as part number, procedures taken and repairs made. Each
> report can have none to several parts, none to several procedures
> and one to several repairs.
> Once the user starts a new report a lot od stuff is add to the
> main table such as CustomerNo, ReportNo, ReportDate, etc. Then,
> the other three tables lists parts, procedures and repairs for a
> Report using the ReportNo as common field.
> The help and advice I need consist of beeing able to call pop up
> windows with JavaScript from the main page to add Parts, Repairs
> and Procedures. Once the user finish adding stuff on a Pop Up
> window he would close it by clicking a link and the main Page of
> the Report would be reloaded to reflect the changes he did.
> Can anyone help me with this task?
> Thank you very much,
> Carlos Fernando   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

</Original message>


Think you're looking for things like:

window.open ('<page-to-open>', 'WindowName', '<attribs>');
(in order to open a (popup)window).

and then, when they've entered all information you submit the form
(still in the same popup) to the PHP that stores it in the db. That
page normally doesn't need to produce any output to the user. So
what you put at the end of that page is:

<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
  window.opener.reload(true);   /* reloads the main page */
  window.close();               /* closes the popup */

Hope this is what you were looking for...



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