
Julio Nobrega Trabalhando wrote:
>   Hi Manuel,
>   Great post. I enjoyed the part where you said it would be a good idea to
> do some 'competition' with php programmers, sponsored by some company.

Actually, what I was suggested was not invented. It seems some body with
great interest to promote Python invented this "Open Source Software
contest" offering $100.000 in prizes. It is funny that they call it
"Open Source software contest" but the rules explicitly said that only
Python entries would be accepted. The contest was to develop software
development tools that would probably would cost that much if they
contracted qualified developers to write them on demand.

This way, not only they got the tools that they wanted all in Python,
developed by the best contenders, and even managed to promote Python as
if it is the big language of the century so that it would be the only
right choice for developing those tools! Yeah right! :-)

These guys resort to these marketing tricks to promote Python as hell,
and the PHP people just sits and waits doing almost nothing in
comparision to promote PHP as hard as they can even when they lives
depend on the acceptance of PHP as a wide spread language!

Look here to see the trick:


Manuel Lemos

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