Good day everyone,

I'm writing because the username/password database table we had written for
us does not seem to be accepting  changes to a password.  When I make a
change, not only does the new password not take effect but it disables the
entire account making it useless)

Below is the code from the change.php3 file.  I think the problem is
possibly being caused with the unset() function but I'm not sure....

Any ideas?  

Thanks again for your help.  Shawna

<? php3

if($n_password1 != $n_password2){
      print "passwords do not match.  try again.";


$username = addslashes($n_username);
$name_prefix = addslashes($name_prefix);
$name_first = addslashes($name_first);
$name_middle = addslashes($name_middle);
$name_last = addslashes($name_last);
$name_suffix = addslashes($name_suffix);
$email = addslashes($email);
$designation = 
$title = addslashes($title);
$company = 

if($newsletter != "y"){
        $newsletter = "n";
(....not sure what is going on here.... )
                $password = ", password = password('$password1')";

       mysql_db_query("$db", "update members set username = '$username',
name_prefix = '$name_prefix', name_first = '$name_first', name_middle =
'$name_middle', name_last = '$name_last', name_suffix = '$name_suffix',
email = '$email', designation = '$designation', title = '$title',
foodchain='$foodchain', company = '$company', newsletter = '$newsletter'
$password where id = $id") || print "FAILED.\n\n";

mysql_db_query("$db", "insert into members (id, username, password,
foodchain, name_prefix, name_first, name_middle, name_last, name_suffix,
email, designation, title, company, newsletter) values(null, '$username',
password('$password1'), $foodchain, '$name_prefix', '$name_first',
'$name_middle', '$name_last', '$name_suffix', '$email', '$designation',
'$title', '$company', '$newsletter')");


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