On Wednesday 29 August 2001 19:38, you wrote:
> Hi !
> I have a Problem with a Countdown.I want that somebody can register through
> my PHP Script. After the Registration the Script should email this person
> after exact 30 days on his emailadress without visiting the Homepage
> again.So how should i do this ? Thank you for your Support !!!

Hey there Chris,

One way to do it is to store a timestamp in your database whenever a user 
logs on. Then every night or so, you run a cron-job (assuming you are on a 
UN*X sysem. Windows will probably have something similar that I'm not 
familiar with) that checks the timestamps and sends mails to every user that 
hasn't logged in for 30 days.

If you have PHP compiled to an executable (i.e. you can run scripts on the 
command line), then your cron-job can just use a PHP script, otherwise I 
would recommend Perl.


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