RE: [PHP] PHP_SELF or REQUEST_URI within Function ?Ok Men !!!..... Now I see .... 
thanks alot for the inputs ! :o))


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Boget, Chris 
  To: 'Alexander Skwar' 
  Cc: Arcadius A. ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 8:22 AM
  Subject: RE: [PHP] PHP_SELF or REQUEST_URI within Function ?

  > > Or, so you don't have to specify all the variables you are using 
  > > as globals (especially if you are using *alot* of them), you can 
  > > use: 
  > What's the gain?  'global ' has 7 characters, whereas '$GLOBALS[]' has 
  > 10 characters.  So, you don't type less.  And with using global(), the 
  > code is more orderly, and thus easier to read. 

  True.  But take the following function: 

  function processLotsOfFormVars() { 
    global $fieldOne, $fieldTwo, $fieldThree, $fieldFour; 
    global $fieldFive, $fieldSix, $fieldSeven; 
    global $PHP_SELF, $REQUEST_URI; 
    global $HTTP_REFERER; 

    echo "Field One is: $fieldOne<br>\n"; 
    echo "Field Two is: $fieldTwo<br>\n"; 
  // etc 

  OR you can do it this way: 

  function processLotsOfFormVars() { 
    echo "Field One is: $GLOBALS[fieldOne]<br>\n"; 
    echo "Field Two is: $GLOBALS[fieldTwo]<br>\n"; 
  // etc 

  I've done it both ways.  I'm not advocating using 
  "$GLOBALS[var_name];" over "global $var_name", 
  just that it is an alternative if you are using alot of global 
  variables in a function.  Plus, if the function gets large, 
  it's easier to see where the value is coming from by using 
  the $GLOBALS variable. 
  That's all I was saying. 


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