<Original message>
From: _lallous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 12:17:21PM +0200
Subject: [PHP] For the RegExps gurus!

> I want to write a RegExp that converts something like this:
> $mem = "
> Hello world! http://www.helloworld.com\n
> Hello world! ftp://ftp.server.com\n
> Hello world www.helloworld.com"
> how can I write a single regexp that converts $mem to this:
> $mem = "
> Hello world! <a
> href="http://www.helloworld.com";>http://www.helloworld.com</a>\n
> Hello world! <a href="ftp://ftp.server.com";>ftp://ftp.server.com</a>\n
> Hello world <a
> href="http://www.helloworld.com";>http://www.helloworld.com</a>"
> As you noticed that the second line didn't have the protocol specifier and
> it took by default "http://"; and the ones that had a protocol specifier were
> kept as is.

</Original message>


This should do the job:

--- PHP code ---

$mem = "Hello world! http://www.helloworld.com\n
Hello world! ftp://ftp.server.com\n
Hello world www.helloworld.com";

/* ------ ! Here's your regexp ! ------ */
$mem = preg_replace ("/\s+([http:|ftp:]{0,1}\S+\.\S+)/me", "' <A href=\"'.
                ? '\\1\">\\1</A>'
                : 'http://\\1\";>http://\\1</A>')", $mem);

print ($mem);

--- End of PHP code ---

Let me know if this was what you were looking for...



* R&zE:

-- »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»
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