Ok, fine but what about something like this:

say you have a page with a dropdown to select cities and a second 
dropdown to select places in the previously selected city. You change 
the cities dropdown and normally you reload all the page to fill in the 
places for the second dropdown. Say also this page weigths a lot, with 
javascript menus, images and etc and don't want to reload all the page 
at each user interaction.

Is there a way to reload *just* the second dropdown based on the 
OnChange event in the first one? This is useful even using only MS-IE, 
because you can use it for restricted, maintenance modules users)

I know there is something about this using a Microsoft technology 
(called DSO?), allowing you to download a recordset, update several 
records on the MS-IE browser, and then send the updates in batch mode 
back to the database. (It doesn't work with my PWS)

Michael Kimsal wrote:

> The javascript would have to call a PHP script on the server instead of 
> an ASP script.  It's nothing specific to MS stuff.
> MailingLists wrote:
>> I don't know if it's IIS or ASP that handles this, but there's a beast 
>> called a remote scripting object.  It combines JavaScript and ASP to 
>> call a remote script on your server without having to submit your 
>> browser or load a new page.  SO I can add a value to a form field and 
>> in the onchange event for that form call a function which resides in a 
>> script on the server, it hits a database or whatever and then returns 
>> a value that I can display on the same page.
>> Is there any way to do this within a PHP script on Linux?

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