As others have mentioned, output buffering is
what you want to look at.  

I've been doing some minor research on CF the past couple weeks,
and it seems that CF, by default, always has output buffering on.  While
it's great for allowing redirects/header info to be pushed out wherever
in a script, it apparently also consumes more memory, as the engine
needs to keep a full copy of the output in memory before pushing it down.

While there are definitely systems where this is desired, it's an option 
in PHP,
but doesn't seem to be one in CF.  (If anyone can tell me differently - 
which CF
tag to use to toggle it on/off - please let me know). would be a place to start reading about
output buffering, and the article is good as well.

Andrew Penniman wrote:

>I am trying to figure out how to use PHP to redirect the user to a new
>location *after* processing and most likely outputting a bunch of code.
>Because this redirection would happen late in the game I can't use
>header("Location: ".$redirect_to);
>I come from a ColdFusion background and am used to CFAS' <cflocation>
>tag.  Does PHP have an equivalent function?
>I am really hoping not to use JavaScript, I want this redirection to
>happen at the server and not the client.

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