> what are you trying to do?
> why do you want to diffirentiate between "99" as a string or 
> as a number?

Because if it is a string, more than likely it means that the key
was user defined and is not PHP defined as an element number.

Again, consider the differences between these two arrays:

array( "This", "That", "Other" );

PHP more or less turns this into an associative arrays because,
as far as I know, all arrays are associative.  If you loop through
this array, you get the following key/value pairs

Key  Value
0       This
1        That
2        Other

The keys are numbers, integers.  They are also the element numbers.

Now, the second type of array:

array( "1" => "this", "2" => "that", "few" => "other" );

Looping through this array, you get the following key/value

Key  Value
1       this
2       that
few   other

Funkiness exists that PHP also sees "1" and "2" as element
numbers.  So if you loop (pseudo)for( $i = 1 to 5 ) and print
out those elements, it will print out only "this" and "that",
ignoring "other".  But that is neither here nor there for the
most part, just something that I need to take into consideration
and something that prevents me from just checking to see
if the the key is the same as the element number because
in some cases, it legitimately can be.

As for what I am trying to do, I am looking for a way to
determine if an array is a user defined associative array or
not.  I.E., I want to come up with an algorithm to differentiate
between the two arrays defined above - the normal array
and the associative array.

Again, any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
Zeev?  Rasmus?


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