If you need the data to be secure, you could probably just encrypt it with 
mcrypt, if you want to make sure it wasn't forged, you want to have A sign 
the data, then have B check it. If I were you, I would look at GNU Privacy 
Guard. You can just use some backticks and you're set. If you have any 
questions e-mail me... this sounds interesting.

On Wednesday 19 September 2001 07:36, you wrote:
> Rick Gardner wrote:
> > Would a solution like xml-rpc work?
> >
> > On Wednesday, September 19, 2001, at 09:43 AM, Bill Lubanovic wrote:
> > > Customers are authenticating through an IIS server against a database
> > > on Win2K.  How do I securely pass this information to a separate
> > > PHP/apache/UNIX system? Since any parameters could be forged, it seems
> > > I'd need a cryptographic approach.  Does anyone have experience with a
> > > cross-platform solution (ASP/IIS/Win2K and PHP/apache/Linux)?
> > >...
> XML-RPC or SOAP structure the data better than GET or POST, but they
> don't address the security issues.  We can't send names, passwords, or
> ids, no matter how we wrap them.   How can platform A tell platform B
> that it's authenticated someone?  How can B trust A?

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